Sunday, March 27, 2011

new challenges

Well if I visit this blog a little more frequently I will eventually have a fabulous looking blog. This is part of my step back into understanding social media and how it works. Seriously this could become more enjoyable if I can remember how to do things. So Check I added my first widget, a family widget and played with a title for the blog. I wlll leave it for know and maybe revisit it when  I read a bit more. Some of the headers I have seen are pretty amazing. Uh who new. There a tonne of talented scrapbooking and card makers out there that maintain a blog and make that pretty too! That is my goal too! To make a blog to share my stuff so onward and upward. Now what am I going to play with ... the options are endless, watch for what I do next.\
Ciao for now,

Sunday, March 13, 2011

One Happy Scrapper and Stamper

Well, hopefully this is my last time registering a blog spot. I\m running out of names to use!!

So yes I am a happy scrapper and stamper. I try to dedicate  a few hours a week to my hobby between caring for two young children.