Friday, February 3, 2012

Mommy's Wedding Dress

I recently saw this idea of photographing your daughter in your wedding dress on Pinterest. What a cool idea, it spoke to my sentimental side plus I thought of what a beautiful scrapbook page it would make.

So I dug out my dress and waited for the perfect time to work with the girls. This morning seemed perfect as the light was muted fromthe outside coming into the living room. The girls also seemed interested in trying the dress on and sitting on a big stool for me. So away we went. This is my favourite shot of the session.

My older daughter with tomboy tendancies just goofed around I don't have one photo the speaks to me of her, so I will try again at a later date.

My almost three year old is definately a bit more into sparkly things. So she spent most of her time in the dress looking at the pretty things on the dress.
So I am please with how it turn out!
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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Wintery Walk in the Woods

Julianna gathering sticks for a snow deer!
 I  finally found my camera, which has been missing for two weeks, not sure how it ended up in the bottom of the laundry hamper! But I foundit  when I emptied the hamper, I guess I should do laundry more often! or not. NOT my favourite thing to do.

So I am a bit behind in my 365 project! however I charged the battery up and took the girls for a walk in the woods near our home. It was perfect spot to get some great shots! I love taking pictures in the snow as it makes a picture look uncluttered and provides lots of soft light especially for taking portraits.

Looking for fish in the stream

Rachael got one stick and was pretty happy about it!

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Samon Sandwish

This is my third photo for the 365 photo project. Please don`t count how many days are in between each photo. It is hard to find time to photo everyday, I am still working on fiquring that out. The girls go back to school tomorrow, so I hope that will help free up my brain so I can think of interesting things I would like to photograph and plan for it.

So this is Rachael eating her favourite sandwich The samon sandwish or as us grown ups call it the Salmon Sandwich. I love how little kids talk, I don`t like to correct them because it is so cute besides they have the rest of their life to say things correctly!

I took this photo with the portrait setting on my camera and opened the curtains up wide to get as much natural light as possible. I am pleased with the result.

Thanks for looking,
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Friday, January 6, 2012

Project 365 - Day Three - The Little Car that spoke to me!

Taking a photo a day is proving to be more challenging that I thought.  I take lots of photos daily however many are not yet worthy of publishing for the world to see. So of the 68 shots I took today, I think I can proudly say I have two that are worthy of sharing.

I took  my camera with me everywhere I went today and found my subjects to be were very un-co-operative. That is until this little race car spoke to me and said "I will pose for your Photo of the Day". And so he did and boy was he cooperative!

We took a few photos and I was pleased with the results considering I was loosing daylight fast.

So enjoy!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The colour in the box

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Here is this the first picture for my 365 project.
I took this photo of crayons organized in a box, it looked so bright and cheery.
It was one of the first photos I took with my new camera, was working with
the macro option on my camera. I am pleased with the results.

This is one excited 5 year old who is loving having her morning in pajamas
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A new day in the my space

 Today, I spent cleaning out my creative space, this is part of my plan to organize myself and to have more time to creating rather than just cleaning up from the last creative project.This space also happens to be a corner in an unfinished basement that also holds lots of other stuff that I don't know what to do with. I had some help from my very organized mother (somehow that gene missed me!) and boy were we merciless! Four garbage bags, two boxes to go the second hand strore and a few things that have been re-purposed for storage.  I still have a ways to go however the floor is cleaned up and everthing has a home and I can certainly see that I need to do more purging! Things are just so hard to get rid off however I will continue to really think about what I really need! Some lucky new scrap booker who goes to the second hand store will find some really great things to get started with. knowing that someone else will benefit from it, makes it okay for me to pass it along. I recently heard that if you are having difficult getting rid of things, you should thank that item for being in your life and then identify how it was helpful. This is when you can let it go! and send it out into the universal to be helpful for someone else!

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Challenge - 365 Photos - one a day!

Well, for 2012 I am going to challenge myself and post a photo with something interesting to say about it on my blog.

I have been blessed by my family as they have provided me with a new sony camera after my last one
met the end of it's life by a Hot Chocolate at the Santa Claus Parade in November. I didn't realize how much that camera was an extension of my life and did truly miss having it  to take photos.

So I hope you enjoy the photo journey